Our Mission

We are committed to enhancing access to culturally meaningful, high quality, autism interventions for families within socioculturally diverse communities. We identify families' cultural assets and use them to modify interventions to better serve families.

Improving Odds

Examines the beliefs about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of autism among Mexican immigrant families and their children with autism. We have used an integrated methods approach to examine the beliefs about ASD diagnosis and treatment in addition to the parenting practices that immigrant families engage in with their children with ASD.

Social Inclusion

A research practice partnership with middle school and high school teachers to co-develop social skills activities and lessons that promote socio-emotional development and inclusive practices.

FASE Research Lab began in 2014 in response to limited culturally meaningful interventions for children with ASD. We are committed to enhancing access to high quality autism interventions for socioculturally diverse families.